New Vision Concepts
EZReader - Sketch Help


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For users with an inner artist, EZReader provides the Sketch program, which is similar in nature to the MSPaint program found in Windows.

Some folks can create masterpieces even with a program as simple as Sketch, but other (that would be me, the program author) needs help just drawing a straight line.

Sketch provides 5 different drawing tool shapes (square, circle, line, fill and free-style).

 Sketch Main Screen

The left-most rectangle in the drawing area shows the color that will be used with the selected drawing tool. To the right of that is an icon showing which drawing tool has been selected.

Sketch is session-persistent, meaning that the drawing is saved between sessions. For that reason, Sketch does not provide a Save function.

With Sketch running, the user can draw a shape with the mouse. In the case of the Delete/Copy drawing tools, a selection is made - which can then be deleted or copied to the clipboard.

 Keyboard Shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts are available in the Sketch application:

Thank you for considering EZReader!